Diamond Responds to Governor Wolf
July 30, 2020
HARRISBURG - Representative Russ Diamond today issued the following response to a statement issued earlier by Gov. Tom Wolf:
“Abhorrent, unlawful, political and deadly. These are the words that describe my disdain for Wolf’s actions, not just today but throughout the COVID-19 disaster emergency.
“Secretary of Health Rachel Levine made a strong statement in defense of her lifestyle and condemned hatred and intolerance. I, of course, condemn all hatred and intolerance. However, I found it ironic that Levine fails to see that her own policies, and those of the governor, are creating similar hatred and intolerance across Pennsylvania.
“There are plenty of thinking Pennsylvanians who realize that universal masking, in practical application, is not effective in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Those who do also agree that making shopping without a mask socially unacceptable, launching official snitch portals, and threatening jail time are petty attempts to divide the people of this Commonwealth. These are not the hallmarks of a free society, nor a tolerant one.
“After failed policies which contributed to the deaths of over 4,800 Pennsylvanians in nursing homes, ignoring his own orders while protesting in the streets, and unlawfully withholding federal CARES funding from Lebanon County as political retribution, Wolf has lost all moral authority and credibility to guide this Commonwealth.
“It is despicable for the governor to urge a censure for me when he was utterly silent on the actual censure resolution introduced against the representative from Philadelphia who bullied and doxxed two teenage girls and harassed another woman who were merely exercising their First Amendment rights last year outside a Planned Parenthood facility.
“I call on the governor to immediately resign, right after he dismisses Dr. Rachel Levine as secretary of Health for her horrendous performance as the top health official in the state, and her actions to rescue her own mother from the deadly setting of a personal care home without informing the rest of Pennsylvania of the dangers within.
“Levine may live as she wishes, as I have always firmly believed any American has the right to, including those who desire the freedom to make their own personal safety decisions.”
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Haas, 717.772.9843
RepDiamond.com / Facebook.com/RepDiamond
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