Richland Public Water Project Moves Forward with PENNVEST Loan Approval, Announces Diamond
HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) today announced that Richland Borough has been approved for a $981,853 loan through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST). This will allow the borough to complete a critical public water infrastructure project.

“Richland Borough is concerned about the ability of the public water system it owns and operates to provide enough water for residents into the future,” Diamond said. “The viability of the borough’s existing springs is threatened, and borough officials have already had to abandon one well due to nitrate issues and another well has a very low pumping capacity.”

“Nearly all of the residential and commercial properties within the borough and several properties in the vicinity of Stricklerstown, Millcreek Township, depend on the system for water. The PENNVEST funds will allow the creation of a new well, Well No. 9, and the installation of a new submersible pump, generator and new pipeline to convey water to the reservoir.”

The establishment of Well No. 9 will provide a redundant water source and will allow Richland Borough to meet the current and future needs of the community, as well as allow for sustainable economic development for future generations.

The funding for PENNVEST projects originates from a combination of state funds approved by voters, Growing Greener, Marcellus Legacy funds, federal grants to PENNVEST from the Environmental Protection Agency and recycled loan repayments from previous PENNVEST funding awards. Funds for these projects are disbursed after expenses for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST for review.

Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner
717.260.6443 /