About Russ Diamond

Rep. Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Rep. Russ Diamond represents the 102nd Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The area he serves is entirely within Lebanon County and includes the boroughs of Cleona, Jonestown, Myerstown, Palmyra and Richland, as well as the townships of Annville, Bethel, Heidelberg, Jackson, Millcreek, Swatara, Union, East Hanover, North Annville, and North Londonderry.

Russ was born in Hershey and grew up in Lebanon County, graduating from North Lebanon High School and Lebanon County Vo-Tech in 1981. He entered the workforce as a production laborer at O’Sullivan Corporation in Lebanon, and seven years later, he pursued his dream of becoming a professional musician.

In 1992, he took his passion for music and opened a small recording studio. The business subsequently gained regional acclaim and was transformed into the nationally known CD and manufacturing and duplicating service known as Raintree Multimedia. He continues to own and operate the Annville-based firm today.

Prior to assuming office, Russ was a well-known and highly effective government reform advocate. He was named one of three Citizens of the Year by the Philadelphia Inquirer for his work in 2006. Later that same year, Russ received the Public Service Achievement Award from Common Cause of Pennsylvania and was named Communicator of the Year by the Harrisburg chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.

Diamond continues his efforts now in the General Assembly to increase transparency and root out waste, fraud and abuse in government.

A small business owner, Russ knows firsthand the struggle that entrepreneurs face when trying to grow and expand. That’s why he continues to fight to ease the tax burden on Pennsylvanians and remove unnecessary regulations that stand in the way of job creation. Putting people back to work is one of his top legislative goals.

Pennsylvania’s outdated system of property taxation unduly burdens seniors, making it impossible for many to afford to keep their homes. Russ is fighting to eliminate property taxes, a move that would increase access to home ownership and spark economic growth.

Diamond also supports overhauling the Commonwealth’s two statewide pension systems to reduce the state’s debt burden and keep Pennsylvania solvent for our children’s future.

In the 2023-24 Legislative Session, Russ has been appointed Republican Chair of the Gaming Oversight Committee.

In his spare time, Russ Diamond is an author and private pilot. He currently lives in Annville in a home built by his great-grandparents.

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