Representative Russ Diamond Statement on Treatable Cancer Diagnosis
June 9, 2022
HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) recently learned he has a treatable form of prostate cancer, and released the following statement:
“Beth and I recently learned I have treatable prostate cancer that was thankfully detected early. My doctors made the diagnosis after regular checkups and screenings revealed abnormalities. In consultation with my doctors, I will undergo a procedure on Thursday, June 9 and will be working from home and voting remotely during my recovery.
“I am grateful that my doctors caught this cancer quickly and have worked with me to plan a treatment schedule that will address my medical issues and allow me to serve the people of the 102nd District. I encourage every Pennsylvanian to make sure they schedule regular checkups with their doctors and be aware of screening guidelines so early detection and treatment can be possible. Beth and I would covet your prayers at this time.”
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Alison Haas, 717.772.9843 /
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