Diamond Announces New District Office Open for Business

February 2, 2023

HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) today announced his new district office at 175 South Lancaster St. in Jonestown is now open to serve constituents. 

“I picked Jonestown for our new 102nd District office because it is centrally located in the district and because like it or not, folks on the east end of the county are reluctant to drive through Lebanon city to get to destinations west of the city, and vice-versa,” Diamond said. “The Jonestown location can serve all our constituents without requiring them to navigate city traffic.”

The phone number is 717-277-2101 and the office is open to serve you from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The mailing address is: 
Rep. Russ Diamond
175 South Lancaster St.
PO Box 65
Jonestown PA, 17038

Among the services offered are:
Driver’s license and vehicle registration applications and renewals.
PACE and PACENET applications for seniors.
Property Tax and Rent Rebate applications.
Voter registration forms and absentee ballot applications.
State tax forms.
Student aid applications.

Representative Russ Diamond
102nd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner
RepDiamond.com / Facebook.com/RepDiamond

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