Unclaimed Property Focus of Treasury Event
March 5, 2024
JONESTOWN – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) will host Pennsylvania Treasury personnel at his office Thursday, March 21, to help residents of the 102nd District retrieve unclaimed property that may be due to them.
Unclaimed items may include bank deposits, forgotten stocks, uncashed checks, unused gift cards, life insurance policies, proceeds from safe deposit boxes and much more. Information about searching for unclaimed property can be found at patreasury.gov/unclaimed-property/.
Treasury personnel will be at Diamond’s office (175 S. Lancaster St., Jonestown) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, March 21. Not only will they help people apply for unclaimed property, but they also can answer questions about PA 529, PA ABLE and Keystone Scholars.
“This is an opportunity to reclaim money and belongings that are rightfully yours. I’d rather see the items returned to your homes than sit in the Treasury vault,” Diamond said.
For more information about the event or to make an appointment, call 717-277-2101. Walk-ins are welcome.
Representative Russ Diamond
102nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
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