Diamond Applauds Commonsense Measure to Help Gamblers

December 19, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Russ Diamond (R-Lebanon) today commended the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board for withdrawing its immediate plans to pursue automatic removal from the self-exclusion list casinos use when prohibiting problem gamblers.

Diamond, Republican chairman of the House Gaming Oversight Committee, worried automatic removal would have caused multiple problems, including removal occurring without a conversation with the excluded gambler or assurances he or she actually wants to be removed.

“The withdrawal of this proposed regulation is a huge win for the protection of our problem gamblers and our counselors and mental health professionals who work tirelessly to ensure that problem gamblers get the help they need,” Diamond said. “I hope the gaming control board will re-engage in this rulemaking to make the self-exclusion process consistent between all forms of gambling, while protecting our problem gamblers at the same time.”

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board had proposed Regulation #125-250 to provide automatic removal related to the self-exclusion list at casinos. The list started through compulsive and problem gambling initiatives dating back 20 years.

Self-exclusion allows someone to request to be excluded from legalized gaming activities in Pennsylvania. When submitting the request, the person can select to be on the list for one year, five years or a lifetime.

Currently, the individual must request to be removed from the list once his or her time period ends. The gaming control board has indicated it may pursue the process of automatic removal again in the future.

“Removing someone from the self-exclusion list without their request makes it more likely that person is unprotected from further gambling addiction and financial and emotional harm,” Diamond said.

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board recently notified the Independent Regulatory Review Commission it would be withdrawing proposed regulation #125-250.

Representative Russ Diamond
102nd District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch

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